On Friday, 4 March 2022, SJTG sent Councillor Ana Bailão's office a report of the community survey results. Today, we received a response. Below is a copy and paste of the email. OR you can click on the image to see the screen capture of it.
We have many feelings and thoughts about this response. However, we are curious as to what others in the community think about it. Let us know either on Facebook, the comments area (scroll all the way to the bottom of this page) or email us at southjtgrows.org.
--------------- Email ---------------
Hello South Junction Triangle Grows,
Thank you for carrying out a survey and reporting the information gathered to the Councillor and Planning. Deputy Mayor Bailao has had the opportunity to review the comments and statistics you’ve presented.
Grassroots community information gathering and feedback like this is valuable and will certainly be taken into consideration by Planning and the Councillor but we also need to consider what the Planning Act allows us to do.
At the meeting on February 15th to update residents on the 1423 Bloor Kingsett project and other active applications in the area, what was being conveyed is that that Planning has been working with the developer on improvements to the development, changes based in part on feedback the community provided through Community Consultation Meeting and in emailed comments.
The developer has been responsive to Planning's suggestions for changes within the bounds of what the Planning Act allows us to do and it looks to Staff like the proposal is going to be supportable. The major outstanding item yet to be settled is the section37 and this will be addressed with Staff and the developer later this week.
As agreed at our Feb 15th meeting, we will be meeting again in the coming months as additional reports are tabled and further progress is made through the applications and the Bloor Study.
We look forward to staying in touch in the meantime and please don’t hesitate to reach out again.
Nicholas Gallant
Senior Advisor, Community Planning & Policy
Office of Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão
Councillor, Ward 9 – Davenport
(416) 338-5275